Business in the Community recently launched their Race at Work campaign in partnership with the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland and the Group is proud to be supporting the campaign.
As part of the campaign we are publicly committing to five key principles for race equality in the workplace - appoint an Executive Sponsor for race; capture ethnicity data and publicise progress; commit at board level to zero tolerance of harassment and bullying; make clear that supporting equality in the workplace is the responsibility of all leaders and managers; and take action that supports ethnic minority career progression.
The Race at Work Charter has more than 750 signatories across the UK. Businesses in Northern Ireland are being encouraged to get involved with other leading companies who have already signed the Race at Work Charter, including Allstate NI, Danske Bank, SHS Group and Translink.
This campaign puts Northern Ireland businesses at the forefront of action on racism in the workplace.
Click here to find out more >