Give and Gain Week provides organisations with the opportunity to let their staff experience the incredible power of employee volunteering. Each year, thousands of people around the world give up their day jobs, roll up their sleeves and support a local community organisation or charity.
There is strong evidence that volunteering brings benefits to both the person volunteering and to the people and organisations that they support. It’s a mutually beneficial exchange, helping volunteers to build their skills and confidence, whilst making a positive contribution to local community groups and charities. The local community Groups & Schools we partnered with this year included:
The efforts have enhanced services for those who need them most within the local community. Activities were wide ranging.
There was a great wealth of activities carried out throughout the week from putting together food packs for the homeless, providing gardening support to community groups, volunteering at animal sanctuaries and providing support to social enterprises, there was something for everyone!
Thank you to everyone within the SHS Group who volunteered and our community partners for supporting this initiative.